- Hypertension, High blood pressure is defined as increase in blood pressure continuously sistolik reach 140/90mmHg- pressure above 140mmHg, diastolic pressure above 90mmHg.
- Dislipidemia (increasing blood pressure and cholesterol), This terminology is used to mark the increase in the serum level of one or more of total amount of cholesterol.
- Diabetes, Condition where the blood glucose level is too high so that the body can not use them appropriately, given the lack of hormone insulin. Body use glucose as the main source of energy. Greater degree disbanding under control. DE, also known present earlier at the age of men with diabetes compared with men who do not have diabetes.
- Obesity, Generally assessed by using body mass index (BMI), which is defined as weight in kilograms divided by the square meter of body high. BMI greater than 25kg/m2 classified Obesity. Waist circumference is considered more accurate assessment of Obesity for the network because of increased fat in the abdominal cavity. Men's waist circumference of more than 90cm is considered as a risk factor and is associated with Erectile Dysfunction.
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Friday, February 27, 2009
Diseases Triggered stoppage of blood
TIPS reduce the risk of heart disease
- Eating correctly to reduce cholesterol and control weight.
- do physical activity every day
- Knowing family health history and consultation with the doctor.
- Stop smoking.
- Reduce fatty foods and contain high cholesterol.
- Have vegetables and fruits so that the fibrous pile of fat and cholesterol does not settle too long in the body.
- Consult a physician concerning the appropriate use of aspirin.
Aspirin, reduce heart attack RISK
Research has been noticed that low-dose aspirin can prevent blood-chip-chip (trombosit) to clot and form a blood clot. Thus the low-dose aspirin can reduce the risk of thrombosis will form a potential cause kardiovaskular (heart and blood vessel). Aspirin can reduce heart attacks by reducing the pressure on the blood platelet clot. This makes blood flow more freely to protect the heart. Aspirin has been proven to reduce the risk of both heart and about 20% can reduce the risk of first heart attack around 32%. If consumed during a heart attack and was extended at least 30 days. Low-dose aspirin can reduce the risk of death as much as 23%. However, if you have a high risk factor for heart attack should consult with a doctor to use low-dose aspirin.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Almost 10 years to reform Indonesia, but if viewed from the law enforcement during the period of legal reform is not running well. This is still the weak legal system in Indonesia. So many of the legal process continues to run but not to the court. Of the many who feel that if this happens constantly when Indonesian Law can run properly?. The Government in the President SBY, is already a lot of corruptor of deeds caught up, but that is part of the new small. Still a lot of criminals take refuge behind the occupation free from the meshes of law should they felt. In Indonesia, the upholder of law and can work together, if the offender is someone in charge of law and have a lot of money, then with the power and the money he bribe law enforcement authorities. If this happens, then to Indonesia when the criminals will be free from large-criminals who seek refuge from this position and money. Government must work hard to complete the legal problems than the economy's problems have not been completed so far
Monday, February 23, 2009
HOW LAW apparatus Completing LOOGING illegal?
Two days ago, I already discussed about how the legal actors in Indonesia. In my discussion of this little discussion is proceeding in close connection with the activities of the wild woods of the local community. It is a good idea we see how the government and law enforcement to handle Indonesia's illegal logging. During this replacement of the head of each police district to create the first program that they promised is a combat illegal logging. But reality in the field, many actors found lumberjack conduct activities wild wood chop wood and sell wood to the buyers while they are most free from the applicable law. As in my area of West Kalimantan, every day there is only a timber out of forests to be sold to wood processing factory without the completeness of the administration. Strange but nevertheless they can still pass the rule of law that applies here. In fact, in each border region have post-post defense on duty to supervise it. Weak defense behavior and legal apparatus to make the perpetrators of the more free to do logging. How the Law can only be run if the officials can violate the law. Where is the actual law is? Is already in the law create?. Of course this is the responsibility of us together to oversee and implement the Law with the real, so that the law can be created so that the running order and safety for the community.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
IMPLEMENTATION OF LAW in developing countries
Indonesia is one of the state law is based on the constitution 45. Although at the time of this era, Indonesia has experienced the rule of law reform but still have not run in properly. This is because the implementation of the law that is still weak, especially in law upholder apparatus. This caused one of the low salary / honorarium law enforcement itself, so they tried to find that which may violate the law already in effect. Not only that, in Government Law are also by the law that, with the quibble that as the representative of the people who trusted the leaders try to create legal rules that can be made to strengthen their own position as an officer of government. In advanced countries like America, England, law can walk better. Law enforcement actually trained and paid a very high, so to find something on the outside that can be very small against the law to occur. It should become an example for developing countries such as Indonesia or other.
The following tips for those of you who want to be serious business in the field of automatic car wash can grow well and can even become a market leader for similar products.
- Each employee must have the accuracy. Do not feel tired until the accuracy is not working as a car wash in the net, giving rise to complain from the customer. Because even though a car wash that automatically means that the machine is not human is not needed, usually finishing processes such as drying the car with the duster for a special car.
- Will be more effective if each car wash business specializes in a certain part of the car body such as the outside of the car, the inside and outside the car, the engine car, the polish and polish the car. Even have a car wash out in the velk and car tires only. With this specification, such as the expected business known as specialty services that are made.
In addition to the above two things have some tips tips that can not be ignored if you want to survive in this business, that is to open new branches. Thus, it is easier for people who have become customers can still reach locations without the need to center. Also there is need to provide a loyalty program such as cakes and drinks and a free moment in the moment-such as the Christmas special, wordiness, and the new year Imlek create special discounts that will create a bound between business owners with the customer.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Automotive business from year to year continue to increase. The increasing number of car buyers who participated in the car means that the population increase, of course, will bring positive impact on businesses supporting this automotive sector. One is a car wash business, and the more specific is the super car wash business or auto flash that are busy at this time. Just the last two years this business appears attractive because it directly and the bright prospects, despite the investment that is not small. Following successful TIPS automatic car wash business, among others:
- Understand what the business will be run. Before the plunge in the automatic car wash business will be better if you take into account the investment that will be planted. This is important because a business like this requires a large capital. Therefore, it is important for the business you want to go to this to understand the specialty business.
- Location selection. Location factors become important in an automatic car wash business. Due to the strategic location of the easy access for people to come to this location. Therefore, do not select the area that is difficult because it can be reached preventing consumers come. Choose a location close to the road and also close to the housing or office so that the level of mobility is high enough.
- For the new beginners in the field of automatic car wash business, will be better still not to recruit employees or freelance, because it can reduce the operational costs budget.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
BLUETOOTH technology assistant WORK AS
Bluetooth technology sophistication to make all people feel the job is much more lightweight. Not only in utilized for the transfer of data and images many times but bluetooth technology can be used for presentation. During the presentation we sometimes have to be connected obstacles pointer. But with Bluetooth, the obstruction is no longer a problem. Because Bluetooth has a tremendous koneksivitas. With Bluetooth Mobile Phone on us, all we can do easily, even to connect to the internet. With Bluetooth wireless connection in the mobile phone, we can check email or facebook by using your mobile phone as a modem.
However, the benefits of Bluetooth is also followed by its weaknesses. One of them, the Bluetooth technology is now used by the perpetrators of crimes to reinforce its action. Some parties do penetration through the Bluetooth connection is active. Infiltration in the data listed in the phone disabotase threatened the perpetrators.
In order to avoid something that is not desired, it is suggested that mobile phone owners use it as Bluetooth. If it is not required, it is disabled
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The business is not so easy to run. To win the market, the business will need planning, management, and response since the beginning of the effort to avoid failure. For smooth business, especially if the business need to second-hand then emphasized the following:
- Selection of a specific product but is always looking for products that required
- Determining the location of a suitable and sustainable business with the others around. Most appropriate if the business is done in the area specifically for the trade of goods used. Elections need to consider a location convenient for interested buyers in order to come to the location of the business.
- Design comfortable place to be visited and gave the impression not sell used goods, for example, to create attractive packaging with the goods or hang with neat.
- For the concept of trade in, use the product brochure so visitors can understand the product. If not accompanied by a brochure or written description of the guard / seller should the product sold, so if you have questions or complaints from visitors to them with both.
- If used goods are offered is the type of electronic goods, it is also considered to provide the warranty. Previously can provide the opportunity for prospective buyers to try the goods to be purchased.
To be able to survive and the business running smoothly, a few things to note are:
- The seller has knowledge of any of the products marketed. To check and examine the completeness of the product so that the buyer does not bring disappointment.
- Selective take back the goods to be sold so that the risk of small customers will be abandoned.
- Able to convince buyers that the products still provide a good product and quality that is evident.
- Having reference goods are marketed not only to sell and offer only. This is done more to convince the buyer.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Indonesian consist of a variety of thousands of islands, tribes and cultures, but all can live alongside each other and respect each other with respect for one another. Strength that can make Indonesia free until now. Similarly, one of the island of Kalimantan is the place again in the Province of West Kalimantan. One of the provincial city of Pontianak is the famous one with the length of the river Kapuas river. Pontianak is a community mixing of different tribes or ethnic, such as ethnic Dayak tribe, which is native Kalimantan, ethnic Malay, Madurese, Bugis, Banjar, Java, China and many more ethnic that I can not say it for you. But the majority of people as I write in this article. By understanding their culture, their life can be harmonious and peaceful, does not differentiate with the other one. They always maintain harmony and religious traditions of each, that makes them become independent so that the economy in Pontianak is safe and conducive.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Attractions TATUNG tradition at CAP GO MEH

Have you heard the term TATUNG?. At every celebration CAP GO MEH Pontianak in West Kalimantan is always accompanied by the attraction Tatung. Tatung usually show attractions such as their resilience against sharp objects such as standing on the sword, standing on top of a spear or other attraction that is very chilling. Before the event started CAP GO MEH first TATUNG do the religious ritual to bless all kinds of goods and objects that have been provided by the Committee. Thionghoa things for people or goods whether it be food or other objects such as fruits that have been blessed by the TATUNG can bring fortune or luck to have that. Therefore, after the ritual finished goods that have now been in prayer and blessed the TATUNG ago at auction by the committee to the people who want it. At the event CAP GO Meh on 09 February 2009 that was held in the city of West Kalimantan Province Singkawang and witnessed by the tourists and the local community. If this year you can not watch the CAP GO MEH directly, I suggest that next year we can meet here and witness together how the CAP in the GO Meh Kal-Bar.
Monday, February 9, 2009
TIPS Make your blog known
Actually not hard to make your blog known, the following tips for your blog so that you can be known and visited the other bloggers.
- Try to register your blog on several search engines such as google and yahoo.
- Visit the blog and comment often. Do not forget to ask for invites to the blog's owner to also visit your blog.
- Set the ad as often as possible, because this is very quick to help your blog more popular.
- Do update as often as possible, so that search engines will be able to know your blog.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
EASY STEP Starting your business
Business activities can be done anywhere if we want. Part of the confusion we start from where the business when we see around us a lot of business that we can do. If you want to have at home you should certainly be able take advantage of everything that is in the house you have your mobile phone for example, could be your means of communication are made as revenue by selling electronic balance. Another example is a laptop computer with this small side, you can work at home using the tool via the Internet. So many in the Internet business you can find such as google adsense. Opening the account in google adsense, you can get additional revenue so that especially if you join with the serious. Do not delay your willingness to start doing at this time also and you will get the results of in accordance with the State.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Singkawang is a city in West Kalimantan province of the Republic of Indonesia. The population comprises various ethnic Singkawang in Indonesia but with a city famous Amoy. This is because some districts in the City Singkawang ethnic habitation by citizens of this city Thionghoa so famous as the City of Amoy. Singkawang City this year where the main celebration Cap Go Meh in 2009 in West Kalimantan. Usually there is also the collaboration of art and culture attractions such as arts community Thionghoa game Barongsai Naga and attractions that come with Tatung. Tatung is someone who entered and considered reincarnation of the spirit of the gods is held by the public Thionghoa.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Perhaps there is not yet known with dayak tribe that includes one of the tribes in Indonesia. Dayak tribe is native tribes in the province of West Kalimantan Indonesia. First race in this very fear Him by the people that have been developed due to this tribe ate human flesh. But now dayak tribe has developed and receive teknohlogi quickly caused many young people from the descendants of these tribes began to realize and want their villages of origin and forward to the famous corners of the archipelago. Moreover it is the youth began to introduce dayak tradition or customs into their culture and an entry to a program of tourism in the Province of West Kalimantan.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
After you create a blog, of course not only to make a stop, and let the board. But the most important is how the blog is managed as possible. Here are some things that need to get management's attention for a blog:
1. Should not make too many blogs.
2. Plan content sematang possible.
3. Update your blog as often as possible.
4. Watch what visitors liked.
5. Give a response as soon as possible.
6. Focus on specific content.
(How to create a simple blog by Abdul Razaq, SIP)
1. Should not make too many blogs.
2. Plan content sematang possible.
3. Update your blog as often as possible.
4. Watch what visitors liked.
5. Give a response as soon as possible.
6. Focus on specific content.
(How to create a simple blog by Abdul Razaq, SIP)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
In West Kalimantan, we have a tradition or habit when there is a family who want to hold marriage as a family, we usually provide a support which can be used at the event. Generally, people who are older to give a sign to the participation of the family who will be married, such as clothing, cosmetics, beds that usually we call to order goods bridegroom women. This is just one of the many traditions that have or are in Indonesia, we call customs. Next time I will be the story of the customary one of the tribes in the West Kalimantan Dayak.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Few Stories To You
Outgiving course, I am the person who like to try something new. One example is to create a blog that recently I learned a little from my friends who already understand and deepens the internet. Truly amazing, in fact on the Internet I learned many things about business. I want to register in google adsense in the hope that through my google ad revenue side can get a sizable enough each month. You may also want to try, try to open at www.google.com/adsense.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Learn From Difficulties Then
We all had experienced difficulties, may be one of the difficulties that we experienced with the financial problems. So many people were confused when the money runs out?. Such things should not happen to any people themselves, if they want, and indeed to improve, especially financial issues. Arrange with the financial might, and if we can not organize themselves, try to ask for assistance to the parties that we will have problems. Search for solutions I think will be better when we are still only !!!!!
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