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Saturday, February 21, 2009

IMPLEMENTATION OF LAW in developing countries

Indonesia is one of the state law is based on the constitution 45. Although at the time of this era, Indonesia has experienced the rule of law reform but still have not run in properly. This is because the implementation of the law that is still weak, especially in law upholder apparatus. This caused one of the low salary / honorarium law enforcement itself, so they tried to find that which may violate the law already in effect. Not only that, in Government Law are also by the law that, with the quibble that as the representative of the people who trusted the leaders try to create legal rules that can be made to strengthen their own position as an officer of government. In advanced countries like America, England, law can walk better. Law enforcement actually trained and paid a very high, so to find something on the outside that can be very small against the law to occur. It should become an example for developing countries such as Indonesia or other.

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