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Sunday, February 15, 2009


The business is not so easy to run. To win the market, the business will need planning, management, and response since the beginning of the effort to avoid failure. For smooth business, especially if the business need to second-hand then emphasized the following:
  • Selection of a specific product but is always looking for products that required
  • Determining the location of a suitable and sustainable business with the others around. Most appropriate if the business is done in the area specifically for the trade of goods used. Elections need to consider a location convenient for interested buyers in order to come to the location of the business.
  • Design comfortable place to be visited and gave the impression not sell used goods, for example, to create attractive packaging with the goods or hang with neat.
  • For the concept of trade in, use the product brochure so visitors can understand the product. If not accompanied by a brochure or written description of the guard / seller should the product sold, so if you have questions or complaints from visitors to them with both.
  • If used goods are offered is the type of electronic goods, it is also considered to provide the warranty. Previously can provide the opportunity for prospective buyers to try the goods to be purchased.

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