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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Servik cancer detection with Pap smear

Research proves that a woman who bears a lot of time in the relative fast, smoking, multiple sex partners or multiple partners have a high risk for or affected by cancer servik also known in the uterus neck cancer. Immediately check myself before all too late and the cost is greater if the affected serviks cancer. Disease since early detection of cancer servik through the pap smear test done in a way its going to detect changes servik cells from normal cells to become malignant. Pap smear services can be found in the doctor or go the womb obstetrics hospital. Doctors will perform the opening of vagina with a special tool so that the mouth of the womb will be clearly seen by a doctor. With the help of a tool called a spatula or, the doctor will take a round or chuck servik the intent to take the gum or mucous in the mouth or around servik the womb. This allows the examination of a little bleeding, cramps, and others may occur afterwards. Servaik sap or liquid that contains many cells that then be smeared on a glass object, and difiksasi with special liquids with alcohol or 95 percent. Then the sample in the glass objects are examined in the laboratory. Servik cells seen under the microscope if there are cells that dangerous. Sample and then tested in the laboratory and the results obtained in about three weeks. If not found cells so dangerous that the results obtained will be negative. Displasia then when the results will be found that the cells showed changes in the nature of violence leads to. Confirmed the need for the examination Biopsy. Meanwhile, if declared positive servik infected with cancer cells found violent treatment will be done. Pap smear is usually not done during menstruasi. This procedure may cause a little pain, but this depend on the patient's anatomy, psychological factors, and others. "Pap test is highly recommended to be done every year." Pap smear is recommended for women who have sexual conduct, it is him, and women are giving birth. (Source: Tribun Pontianak)

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